Saturday, January 12, 2013

So I opened my file today...

And wrote.

Well, a paragraph. Does that count? It's been the first time I've written anything since November 25th. I really want to finish, I'm starting to really like my characters... but I don't want to actually put in the work to write.

This is why I enjoy poetry. I can spend anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours writing and I have a completed piece at the end of it.

Maybe I should have tried a short story before I dove into novels.

But I do have a poem for you. I've been reluctant to post it because some people tend to read into my poetry. I suffer from an overactive imagination, so if I write about things that are depressing - it doesn't mean I'm depressed. If I write about relationship problems, it doesn't mean I'm currently experiencing any.

Although, to be completely honest, poems about relationship problems are probably inspired by past relationships. I may set them in the present, if only because the present provides a clearer setting. It's not always easy to remember details of the past even if I can recall the emotions.

So, with that said, here's a poem.


Silence stretches things
Makes them taut – like a rubber band
Frayed edges cause the band to break if stretched too thin

Silence stretches us
Each stretch stresses the edges,
Little tears that disappear once
a word, or
a touch, or
a kiss – mouth moving softly on lips, neck, collarbone…
Snaps it, snaps us, back to normal
And you can’t see the rip – so small

Tiny, really

Until silence stretches us again
And little tears grow wider

Silence is deadly

-Rodgers, 2012

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